And the gold bar of “The Gold We Love” contest goes to...
To celebrate St. Valentine’s Day we launched a photo contest for those in love... with gold!
For 10 days customers from all over the world have been publishing their photos on the contest page.
We are happy to have such romantic and creative customers. Thank you for your participation and your pictures full of love.
The number of Likes and Shares in publications is tremendous!
We have fallen in love with each of your shots and want to show you the most popular photos.
The 3rd and the 2nd places went to Fabio Igold and Mariana Romero respectively:
Likes + Shares = 2326
Likes + Shares = 2607
We would like to express our special gratitude to you for being so passionate in this contest!
And here you are the winner of the contest:
The happy owner of 5 grams of gold is Dmitry Paramonov!
He got the incredible amount of 3298 Likes + Shares in his photo!
This is the translation of the description:
In this Day of Love,
There’s something we should say:
We cannot leave our gold.
No way.
Isn’t it the manifestation of true love for gold?
We sincerely congratulate our winner and thank all the participants of the contest! We will congratulate the winner personally.
Follow the updates on our website and stay tuned for new contests and valuable prizes!