Top 5 most expensive gold pens

Top 5 most expensive gold pens


We tell you about the most prestigious gold pens.



In 1888, 130 years ago, George Safford Parker founded the world’s largest company producing expensive fountain pens, patenting his own model of the Parker fountain pen. Since then, pens have ceased to be just writing implements and have become luxury accessories. The writer’s tool gained an unprecedented status and leveled up its prestige rank with the help of new discerning owners and collectors: powerful politicians, business figures, show-business celebrities.

Due to the variety of materials and new pattern-making technologies, golden pens were put in the same rank as executive-class cars and Swiss-made watches. In this article, we are going to explore the upper echelon of the top 5 most expensive pens made of gold.


5th place: Montblanc Boheme Papilliion

The debut Boheme Papilliion type of pen by Montblanc stands out for its sophistication. The pen is made of gold, diamonds and sapphires that frame the mainspring mechanism.

The price of the gold pen won’t fall short of millionaires’ hopes –– $198,000 dollars.


4th place: Montblanc Prince Rainier III

Montblanc Prince Rainier III fountain pens are real family heirlooms of the rulers of the Principality of Monaco. Traditionally, they are passed down from father to son.

Upon special order by the monarch Rainier III, exclusive 18K gold pens encrusted with diamonds and 100 rubies were annually produced.

Through monarch’s reigning years, since 1949 up to 2005 year, a considerable collection made up of 81 pens was gathered. Each gold pen is worth $220,000 dollars.


3rd place: Heaven Gold

Heaven Gold pen is a rose gold creation of Anita Tan, well known for her women’s jewelry and leather good designs. There are only 8 such pens in the world.

The frame of the gold pen is complemented by 161 custom cut diamonds and a 43-carat exotic garnet.

The premium pen costs $995,510 dollars.


2nd place: 1010 Diamonds

The price of the exclusive 1010 Diamonds pen by Caran d’Ache has risen to $1,000,000 dollars. In addition to the white gold alloy, the collectible pen is decorated with diamonds and sapphires laid out in the shape of a wristwatch.


1st place: Aurora Diamante

The golden masterpiece Aurora Diamante is not inferior in price to the mansion in Beverly Hills, which makes this pen an unquestionable leader in the top of the world’s most expensive pens made of gold.

The Italian company produces such a model in limited quantities: one per year. The cost of the exclusive pen is $1,470,000 dollars.

The materials used for its production were 18K gold, platinum and a whole scattering of luxurious diamonds, weighing 30 carats, which are placed on the cap.


If you are impressed by these prestigious pens, then you will definitely be interested to learn about other luxury accessories. For example, in the world of hip-hop! In this industry, massive gold chains have become a status symbol.

Read our article “The most expensive gold chains of rappers” and find out what jewelry RnB stars choose.