Gold is trending: the luxurious smile of celebrities!
Designers and jewellers are constantly experimenting with shapes and textures, creating gold jewellery that combines modern trends and traditional techniques. For example, earrings in the form of geometric shapes, original necklaces with unusual pendants and bracelets with innovative locks and clasps.
In recent times, extravagant gold dental jewellery — grillz, also known as grills, gained popularity. In the early 1980s, this practice got a new lease on life and, thanks to hip-hop culture, became known throughout the world.
Atlanta dentist Eddie Plein is credited with kickstarting the creation of grillz in the form known to us today. He suggested rapper Just-Ice try on the dental jewellery. The unusual jewellery appealed to both fans and followers of the rap artist. As a result, the trend of adorning teeth with overlays made of noble metals became a kind of symbol of hip-hop.
However, these days, dental overlays are part of the image of not only rappers, but also other celebrities. They are often spotted on singers, actors, models and Instagram stars.
For example, in August 2013, singer Madonna showcased gold grillz with diamonds during the opening of her Hard Candy fitness studio. The exact price of the pop diva’s accessory is not known, but according to jewellers’ estimates, the approximate price could reach $5,000.
Beyoncé wore gold grillz not because it was fashionable, but to promote the new collection of the Ivy Park brand in collaboration with Adidas. Her teeth were adorned with a very simple yet unusual and elegant overlay: three stripes. The accessory costs $1,195.
Following Beyoncé’s example, Barbadian singer Rihanna adorned her smile with gold grillz in the shape of a machine gun. The teeth overlays were made especially for the artist by jeweller Dolly Cohen, who claims that they were custom-made in a single copy. Dolly says she will “never make jewellery like this for anyone else.” The exact price of this exclusive accessory is undisclosed, but based on estimates from jewellery experts, its price exceeds $1,900.
The pop idol of millions of teenagers, Justin Bieber, posted a photo on social media with his new grillz. The gold jewellery with pink sapphires was made for the artist by the jewellery company Gold Teeth God. The Canadian pop singer is known for his fondness for such accessories. Gold overlays ranging from $15,000 to $50,000 can be found in his collection.
In 2018, Kim Kardashian generated a new wave of hype around gold dental overlays. The Instagram star is known for not skimping on gifts for herself. Kim demonstrated grillz by the Californian brand Gabby Elan Jewelry on social media. The jewellery made of white gold, diamonds and opals cost her $5,000. By the way, this combination of precious materials was chosen in accordance with the horoscope of the Insta-diva.
Gold grillz have become an integral part of the images of many celebrities and influential personalities. The accessory helps to emphasize unique individuality. Thanks to the variety of designs and popularity among show business stars, dental overlays made of the precious metal still remain relevant in the fashion world.
This collaboration between singer J Balvin and designer Ian Delucca exemplifies the creativity that can be achieved with grillz designs. To mark the 20th anniversary of the animated series “SpongeBob SquarePants”, they created a 14K gold dental jewellery featuring the cartoon’s main character. The set also included a silver toothbrush and a small RIMOWA suitcase.
Modern grillz are true jewellery masterpieces made of precious metals studded with gems. They allow making the image of any person memorable. Certainly, opinions often differ about the beauty of such jewellery items, but they definitely allow their owners to stand out from the crowd.
Another jewellery trend that came from hip-hop culture — massive gold chains. Who owns the most expensive gold chains?
Read in the article:
The most expensive gold chains of rappers