Golden fang of tigress Cara
A tigress from the German animal shelter in Massweiler became the owner of the golden tooth implant several years ago. It was made from real gold. In this way, the management of the shelter decided to relieve the animal from toothache.
In 2013, a tigress named Cara was taken away from a negligent breeder in Mugnano, Italy. Two years later, the animal was transported to the Tierart wild animal sanctuary, where experts found a problem: one of the fangs had begun to decay.
A person who has visited the dentist at least once with a similar problem can understand how severe a toothache can be. Cara, however, was lucky: veterinarians intervened in the matter.
On the advice of experts, a metal crown was ordered for the tigress. Moreover, it was decided to make the implant from gold to reduce the risk of infection and further damage. After all, dental crowns made of the precious metal do not oxidize and do not enter into chemical reactions with liquids and food. In other words, they do not cause any inconvenience to their owner.
Pure gold is too soft for dental prosthetics. Therefore, for dental purposes, an alloy of the precious metal with silver, platinum, palladium, copper or zinc is used. A similar implant was made for Cara.
The process of implanting a golden tooth was not easy. The tigress underwent two complex operations necessary to maintain the correct bite and prevent pain while eating. Within 80 minutes, doctors cleaned, polished and filled the damaged fang. After that, a dental crown made of the precious metal was implanted.
A few days after the operation, biologist Eva Lindenschmidt happily announced that Cara can now chew without any pain. Thanks to the golden fang, Cara returned to her usual diet after three weeks.
If for the tigress Cara a golden tooth was a necessity, then for many Hollywood celebrities it is a way to decorate their smile. For example, Kim Kardashian showed off white gold grillz in her Instagram, costing as much as 5 thousand dollars! Moreover, this amount, as it turned out, was far from a record.
Which celebrity has the most expensive grillz? Read more in the article:
Gold is trending: the luxurious smile of celebrities!